Snow fall :: Pappajohn Sculpture Garden Des Moines, Iowa

I’m just not sure what to make of our new sculpture garden. Some of the sculptures are very creepy and seem to have jumped right out of a Beetlejuice sequel. We decided to travel downtown to get a few shots since the snow was coming down. We also got a few of the kids that I wanted to share. Have a great weekend!

Volunteers, anyone?

We’d like to do an on location shoot within the next week or two and need a couple to volunteer. This would be located in the Des Moines area and would include free photographs for your time! Our one stipulation is that we ask that it be a couple that we haven’t yet photograph’d.  They can be married, engaged or neither! As long as they like each other *wink* we do not mind. We’d love to see some fresh faces! So, if you or someone you know someone wouldn’t mind getting shot, let us know. Shoot us an email and we’ll hammer out the details! Look forward to seeing who responds! To email click here  ———-> <————

Tony Hoffer’s “HoffShop 2010” Results

Sarah just landed a few hours ago, back from a workshop hosted by the one and only Tony Hoffer. She’s spending some much needed “mom time” with the little ones and I’m anxious to share what she shot.

Sarah and I feel so privileged that she was able to participate in his workshop. We were thinking about going to WPPI out in Las Vegas this year but decided Tony’s would be a much better experience. She was one of three photographers that was given this opportunity. This gave Sarah some excellent one on one time!  Here are some of our favorites from Friday!

The first part of the day was a mock “Getting Ready” setting with the bride and make up artist. It was such an amazing house!

These next two couples that volunteered were to assist us with wedding/engagement style portraits. There were so many great photographs that I wish I could share them all!

Waterloo, Iowa

So I ran into a few photographs we snapped while up in Waterloo during our project photograph marathon. We bumped into these two sites cruising town. Anyone out there know much more about these two spots?

Caption:  “He got it at Newton’s!”

Caption:  She’s a Brick — House!

Not a fake sky — clouds and sun were doing some really rad stuff below. We just had to hang out long enough for it to happen. We were waiting for dusk so we could shoot some site lighting photographs of the Grout Musuem and Expo center.