Broadway Builders :: ‘Cribs Edition’

Here are a few photographs of our new home. Enjoy!

Kidding! These are shots we were asked to take by our good friends over at Broadway Builders. If you need trim work done they are fantastic! They have done some of the most amazing trim carpentry work I’ve ever seen. These are a mix of several different homes and various pieces they have done and I am simply amazed. Beautiful homes!

Free Shoot

We filled the free shoot with not one, but two great couples and we plan on getting these shot very soon. We’ll have a lot more great photographs to share. Tonight I simply wanted to share Lydia…in a box. It’s the simple things in life, right?

Superbowl Sunday!

Whether you are a Saints fan or would love to see Peyton and Co. get another win, it should be a great game tonight. Here’s Clare’s game face. And yes…she bites.

Winter Sports :: Broomball Des Moines, IA

An invite was sent out at Chris’ work for a broomball tournament hosted at Brenton Skating Park in downtown Des Moines.  I was asked to come and photograph the late night event. For those unfamiliar with broomball it is simply defined as hockey minus the skates. There are 6 people on a team. 1 goalie (see our brickwall below) and 5 others used for offense/defense. The interesting part about this is it’s played late at night. And late at night meant the first game started at 10:20pm and second game was at 1:20am. It was a great time that included zero serious injuries. I consider that a win! We lost the first game but since this was double elimination we had to win the next game to stay in the tournament. So we pushed on and won the second game ending it in double overtime through a goalie shoot out. Props go out to Jariah Walker for landing us the win! Thanks for the good time and enjoy the photographs!

Our Brickwall/Goalie: Jared

He may be slow but he strikes fear into the heart of the opponents: Chris

Broomball bandit: Matt

Walks softly and carries a big stick: Jeremy

More of the crew: Jariah, Doug, Holly and Erin

Flying V?

Jared seriously had about 50 saves. Amazing.

There were people that took this game a little more seriously than others. Custom jerseys and helments? Seriously? They had a game directly following ours so they watched on. One of them turned to his friend while I was photographing and pointed at my camera + lens and said, “It’s a little overkill dontcha think?”. An interesting comment as his whole team had the custom jersey + helmets + sticks thing going on. And this is all for a weekend amateur broomball outing? A cool photograph nonetheless.

Team photo op!

Official sponsor of the game?