The Temple for Performing Arts Des Moines, IA :: FREE SHOOT!

We shot some 400+ photographs during our 4 hour stay at the Temple for Performing Arts. We had asked for any interested couples that wouldn’t mind hanging out for a few hours while we experimented with some different shots. The end result was a gaggle of great photos! We had two couples volunteer their Saturday afternoon for some fun in front of the camera. First up is Jared and Nettie! They were hilarious and so comfortable in front of the camera that we didn’t need to give a whole lot of posing direction! Enjoy!

For some reason the shot below reminds me of the Princess Bride.

Loving the ‘GQ’ pose here.

Second couple was Riana and Justin. They were actually married at the Temple not too long ago and were pro’s! There isn’t anything we love more than photograhing the wonderful chemistry that goes on between couples. My favorite photographs are ones that seem like they don’t even know a picture is being taken. Lots of those in here!  Thanks to both couples for their time and patience! We are going to do this again sometime and we’ll be looking for more volunteers!

Totally dig this shot!

Free Shoot Sneak Peak

Amazing shoot this afternoon with two couples from our Free Shoot offer awhile back. These guys rocked it! We were allowed access to the Temple for Performing Arts Grand Hall and Recital Hall to do some shots and we took full advantage of it. Look for the full post of photographs soon but for now, here is a sneak peak 😉  Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Cookie baking

Since it was snowy and cold the kids and I decided to make sugar cookies using some dough we had previously made and froze around Christmas time. Everyone got in on the action. Lydia’s favorite part was eating the dough while Clare much preferred to play in the flour. This was followed by much floor sweeping.

looking forward to the wedding season

If 2009 revealed anything to us, it’s that 2010 is going to be an absolute blast! We are squeezing in all the trips, seminars, workshops and group shoots right now before things pick up in the spring. It’ll be busy but we are excited for the couples that have asked us to be their photographer. Thanks to everyone out there that gives us as a recommendation. You are our most successful source of advertising.