Sarah holding our darling Lydia. She was very unhappy today. Hope tomorrow is better for both of them.
Sarah and I have been going back and forth on what to do for our next desktop computer. I’m tired of home builds as they prove to take away years of my life with the amount of stress it can cause. They’ve kicked my butt before. I’ve spent over an hour trouble shooting a new PC problem to find out my video card was toast. I’ve dealt with bad power supplies, DOA motherboards and bad sticks of RAM. I was ready this time around to take the easy way out and just purchase something prebuilt that came with a big fat warranty. I’m just tired of going to bed whimpering in the fetal position because the PC won’t even go to a POST screen.
We’ve been absolutely thrilled with our first Apple purchase (17″ MBP) and decided to take the jump and go with a new 27″ iMac. It’s beautiful. Love the crispiness of the display and it is silent as a mouse! My second to last home build PC had so many case fans it sounded like I was firing up some sort of aircraft. CS4 runs really well, Lightroom is snappier and the overall experience is great. Apple has a knack for good aesthetics. We couldn’t be happier.
Not that my awesome blue LED case fans weren’t pretty to look at…
We are ready to start the wedding season!
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