A few extra shots of fun!

Had to post these as I thought they were great!

Liz :: Senior Portraits pt. 2

Following up with another Senior portrait session from this past friday. Liz and Kaitlyn are both friends and had sessions the same day. I think they both turned out excellent. The first image is a favorite from the set. Reminds me a lot of the classic hollywood portraits. Thank you to both Liz and Kaitlyn for the good times!  We finished this set by going outside while it snowed down big snowflakes (the day before spring no less!). Couldn’t have timed this session any better as it made for some beautiful portraits. Enjoy!

Weekend Snippit

It was a great weekend of shooting. We had two senior portrait sessions on Friday. Both turned out excellent! We finished processing the first one already so scroll down and take a look if you haven’t already 😉  We also did an engagement shoot over at West End Architectural Salvage in downtown. What an amazing place. Full of some great history and wonderful furniture. Stay tuned for more photo’s soon! For now…here a quick few family shots of a wagon ride we took earlier today. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!

Lydia and Clare – B&W series as the great outdoors still looks pretty darn brown and ugly. We absolutely love our Canon 24mm 1.4L II

Lydia can be a bit “touchy”. She doesn’t like it when anyone other than mommy or daddy pull the wagon. So Clare at the helm causes quite a ruckus.

Kaitlyn Senior Session Pt. 2

Round two for Kaitlyn and we had a great time! First shots were at the Botanical Center and we then headed over to the Hoyt Sherman Place to finish up. I think we got some great shots again! Here are our favorites: