It’s here :: Mamiya RB67 Pro

So in the back of my head I’ve always been curious about a return to film. Not as our main medium but as an additional creative outlet to what we already do. I completely blame some new acquaintances on the search for a new toy. Sarah and I originally shot film when we started in 2002. We never owned a professional medium format body and I decided to do some scouting to see what was out there. After several trips to our local brick and mortar camera store’s used department and searching online I ended up finding something perfect.

I decided on a used RB67 that belonged to a wonderful photographer by the name of Evan Baines‘. If you’ve not heard of him I encourage you to check him out by clicking on any of the three example photo’s below.  A forum that I am addicted to has a Buy/Sell section and he had posted this as the perfect “Turn Key” medium format setup. That had my name written all over it.  Evan informed me that he has lovingly dubbed the camera “Piggy” and wanted to make sure she went to a good home. I knew this camera was large but I wasn’t prepared for the actual size and weight “Piggy” is.  I am already in love with it. Massive viewfinder, three different lenses and a roll of 400 Tri-X just begging to be loaded and shot.

Here are some examples Evan sent me on what this camera has already shot:

Absolutely beautiful portraiture capabilities. I don’t expect to be using this other than for personal projects right now but I’d love to sneak in a few film bridal portraits some time once we’ve gotten a little more comfortable with this camera.

Here’s some nerd shots I got today as I opened it:

The Flex Theme – Available Now!

This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla neque ipsum, rhoncus eu euismod sed, ullamcorper a urna.

Aenean ut nibh odio, vitae mollis odio. Maecenas faucibus auctor interdum. Nam commodo vehicula sapien sit amet aliquam. Nam eu diam ac dolor volutpat consequat vitae at neque. Ut at tortor nisi. Aliquam sit amet sapien nibh. Vivamus quis tellus id eros volutpat condimentum sed ac ante. In vel tortor ac nibh sagittis pellentesque eu a est. Phasellus at libero massa, non mollis mauris.

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25 Examples of Spectacular Photography

Los Angeles is perfect for photography blogs, photoblogs, and portfolios! This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla neque ipsum, rhoncus eu euismod sed, ullamcorper a urna. Aenean ut nibh odio, vitae mollis odio. Maecenas faucibus auctor interdum. Nam commodo vehicula sapien sit amet aliquam. Nam eu diam ac dolor volutpat consequat vitae at neque. Ut at tortor nisi. Aliquam sit amet sapien nibh. Vivamus quis tellus id eros volutpat condimentum sed ac ante. In vel tortor ac nibh sagittis pellentesque eu a est. Phasellus at libero massa, non mollis mauris.

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Beautiful Weather

Even though it was unseasonably warm outside today I felt it was long overdue. I’m glad we are done with the winter weather for awhile. And I hope you were able to sneak in a few moments outdoors to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the nice cool breeze that came through this evening. If there is one thing I love during the early spring, it’s sleeping with the windows open and letting that cool night air into the house.

Have an absolutely wonderful Friday.