Mr. Mom and Second Shooting

Sarah took off this morning to photograph a wedding as a second shooter. This left me in charge of the house and kids! It has been a long time since I’ve had all the children to myself for a day. I completely understand now just how difficult it is to do anything other than keeping a keen eye on our children. Editing, album design, email, and all the other busyness that goes into what she does is not necessarily easy or challenge-free during the day time.

I was able to get in some good editing during the quiet time of the afternoon. During this, my oldest daughter of 5 (6 tomorrow!), sat and watched me edit an engagement session. I was on one of the last photographs in Adobe’s Lightroom and Isabella spoke up, “You might want to white balance off of her skirt since it is supposed to be white.” I looked at her in shock and approval all at the same time. I was literally speechless. I think we’ve got a future photographer/editor on our hands.

Love you Bella.

Jess and Pat :: Engaged (part II)

We photographed Jess and Pat’s first engagement session downtown last fall. We had a blast. So much fun, in fact, that Jess requested a second session. I was really excited. Both of them are so fantastic in front of the camera and gave us a lot of laughs during the first session. Such a great couple just to hang around. We brought along all the same equipment but added some film to the mix.

This is our first time posting a session with myself shooting all film. Sarah shot the majority of everything you see. The camera I brought along is a manual focus medium format body. It is a somewhat large piece of equipment that setting up a shot takes me a bit of time. I was only able to capture 10-12 frames during our entire session. I really like what the film was able to get and look forward to shooting additional rolls. Thanks to Jess and Pat for being so patient. The first shot is film while the remaining shots are at the bottom of the post.


These last few shots are what was captured on the film body. A few are underexposed just a touch but I didn’t want to lose what we had going on in the background. I’m still relearning film and its wonderful capabilities. You’ll see a lot more sets from us this year featuring a hybrid of digital and film.

Happy Memorial Day to All

Thank you to those that have served or are serving in our military. The past couple of weeks I’ve seen a few instances of people going out of their way to thank a man or woman in military uniform. I think that’s awesome and I hope more continue to do it.

This weekend has been good for the family. Hope everyone has been able to keep cool during some of these hot afternoons.

Jeff :: Portrait Session

Earlier this year we were contacted by an out of state company that has a few offices here in Des Moines. They found us through a local search and asked if we would be interested in doing some portrait work of an employee that has been with them for 20 years. We said we’d be delighted and were really happy that they found us. I think the series of photographs turned out really well.

 This is Jeff. He works with some fantastic machinery to deliver an assortment of products for the company. Enjoy!