This was photographed just last weekend on the 24th. It was a perfect day out. I believe rain might have been predicted but it was wonderful the duration of the event. We kicked things off over at First Assembly of God for the getting ready shots and ceremony. The reception was then held over at the beautiful Hyperion Field Club in Johnston. The day was filled with smiles, laughter, and a few tears of joy. It has been a blast getting to know these two and we hope they had a fantastic time in Hawaii! Congratulations again!
We’ve been busy with weddings! We’ll have a full on wedding post up tomorrow evening of the beautiful and wonderful Christina and Tray. It’s been a warm but really enjoyable summer. Lots of great things to come! Here’s a quick couple shots from Christina from last weekend and Laura from this weekend.
Absolutely. Beautiful.
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Just when you thought you’d seen all of Katie & March…think again!
We asked these two if they would feel comfortable being in our promo video. They not only agreed, but had Sarah and I close to tears when we listened in on their testimonial. Such a ridiculously sweet couple. Nothing was scripted and I think the video will be fantastic once it is finished. Look for it to hit our site some time in August. It was all put together by the wonderfully talented J. Alex Cooney and fiance’ Hillari. They worked extremely well together and Sarah and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them during this whole process.
The following photographs are from our ‘ in action shots’ of us shooting. We all battled through the sweat, lost(but later found!) cell phone, and multiple encounters with ticks. Enjoy!
Alex Cooney swoops in on the action.
I’m not a very articulate person. When I get asked a question, I usually struggle to find the right words. So I’ll be really simple with this post.
I love Sarah. She’s my wife and my best friend. Cliche’, I know. When we married in 2001 I was in love with everything about her. When we were dating I remember pulling into her parent’s driveway dropping her off from a concert and saying out loud, “Gosh, she is so darn cute.” Nine years and four children later nothing has changed. I still get those same feelings. She is beautiful. She is strong. She is loving. She is slow to anger. She is patient. She is tolerant of all my silly hobbies. She is my wife and I thank God for her every day.
I’ve been wanting to do some simple portraits of her for quite some time. Sarah and I are always challenged with making sure there is a connection between us and our subject. Zack Arias had said, “When you photograph someone and there isn’t a good connection being made, then the person viewing the end result [photograph] will have no connection either. The photograph may come across as meaningless.” That wasn’t quoted verbatim and I might have completely butchered exactly what he said but I believe the intent is there.
To take a technically “good” photograph isn’t difficult at all. Exposure and all the variables involved in creating a photograph can be conceived as a difficult task. But I believe the greatest task is to capture meaning and emotion. I got a few frames in here that I’m proud of. But I believe this pursuit of excellence in content rather than technique is going to be a continuous journey and a work in progress. As always, thanks again for taking the time to check us out!
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