Liz & Sean :: Des Moines, Iowa Wedding Photographers

Ridiculous Saturday Wedding! A few quick shots from today/tonight. Absolutely love this couple.

Too much to take in

Adam & Kimberly were married just last weekend. We’ve gone through most of our post processing and are putting the finishing touches on it. It should be up come Monday evening.

Honestly, it has been incredibly busy lately. There are literally too few hours in the day. We’re not only keeping up with all the beautiful weddings but we are busy preparing for the bridal show coming up next month. The booth has been designed and it will be assembled this Sunday for a mockup. It includes custom hand printed wallpaper from Bradbury & Bradbury out of California and a few framed photographs. I want it to stand out but I don’t want it to be busy and obnoxious.  I hope we don’t disappoint. We’ll have no slideshow, no plasma TV, and no electronic gizmos. It’ll just be photographs and albums. All things people can touch and feel.  Please come out and say hi!

The Everything Bridal Show – Sunday September 12th. Doors open at 10:00am and the show ends at 3pm.  We would really enjoy some company.

A few shots from last weekend with more on the way!

Family & Friends

Summer has been great. While it has been quite warm and filled with some bizarre weather I think we’ve made some good memories this season. I’m a night owl and always wake up in the morning filled with sleepy regret of not going to bed sooner. There is nothing better than spending long summer nights hanging out with family and friends. This has been a good year with more great things to come.

Thanks to everyone that has given us words of encouragement. Sarah and I are really blessed to be around such a great group of people.

Here’s a few quick random snaps from the past couple of days.

Mary Beth :: Senior 2011

I really enjoyed this senior portrait session. Majority of these locations were Mary Beth’s requests as they had personal meaning to her. Our first stop was a park that she liked to spend time at with her sister.  There is also a beautiful old cottonwood tree she’s always admired. Lots of beauty and character in these photographs that we’ve fallen in love with. Such a great time. We ended up sharing a Green & Black chocolate bar in the middle of the session. How can you go wrong with chocolate?