Leota :: Portraits :: Des Moines, Iowa Portrait Photographer

I’ve been approached by an out of state company to take some photographs of their Des Moines staff during anniversary dates or business portraits. Leota here has been with the company for twenty years and was a lot of fun to photograph. Love her smile in these shots!

The Everything Bridal Show :: Des Moines, Iowa

We ventured out this morning for our 3rd ever bridal show. We decided to make some improvements on our booth from last year and scrapped the old one completely and built something taller and sturdier. Unfortunately, I didn’t put 2 and 2 together. Sturdier = heavier, much heavier. So we rented a U-Haul and had a few hired hands to help us move the booth.

We arrived at the Hy-Vee Conference Center at around 6:20am this morning. The booth was unloaded and we were set up by 9:15am. The show promptly started at 10:00am and had some great traffic. We really enjoyed meeting everyone that came out.

On a side note we were really happy to see Katie from Cakesmith out and about with a booth this year again! She and her husband are absolutely wonderful and make some of the most delicious sweets I’ve ever tasted. Check ’em out!

I want to say a quick thank you to the following people:
Joey and My – You both are amazing friends. Thanks for coming out to help paint, polyeurethane, cut wood, tell jokes, chase me around parking lots and just have a great time. Thanks for the Choco Tacos that were needed for this construction project.

Eric and Mel – For being a great support and bringing Sarah and I coffee when we needed it the most today. We love you guys.

Laura & John and Grant & Allison – You are all model brides and grooms. Thanks for stopping out! We wish you guys best and can’t wait to do some more hangin’ out!

To our parents – Thanks for coming out and seeing us in action! A HUGE thanks again to my Dad for all the use of his tools and his assistance in this project. Also for letting Joey and I drag him around a hardware store for an hour or two.

MODUS Engineering and Simonson Architects – Thanks for letting us use the vacant space up front to stage this thing! I would’ve really had a challenge if I had to do this anywhere else!

To my wife, best friend and business partner – You’re wonderful and am so glad you had the energy when I didn’t. Thanks for taking care of our children while I played mad scientist with this project.

To all our future brides and grooms – THANK YOU! We are so excited for what’s to come and can not wait to photograph your wedding.

Have a wonderful remainder of the weekend everyone!

Wedding Booth :: Everything Bridal Show, Des Moines, Iowa

Here it is! After 3 weeks of attempting to be a woodsmith/trim carpenter the booth is complete! This literally took blood, sweat and tears to complete. Prints will be hung and a full mock up shall be done tomorrow before we load it all up! You must come out to see it in person. We also want to shake lots of hands and say hello to everyone! Hope to see you this Sunday.

Elizabeth and Sean :: Married :: Des Moines, Iowa Wedding Photographers

Goosebumps. I got ’em during this wedding. I’ve never had a couple quite like Liz and Sean. We had to give them almost zero instructions when it came to the majority of these photographs. If we asked them to kiss they would take their time, approach each other slow and act like it was a first kiss every time. Goose pimples.

It was a beautiful wedding in Boone. It kept with our theme this summer. Hot and humid.  Sean is in the Navy and will be stationed over in Europe where they will be moving later this week. Sarah and I feel very honored to have been the photographers at this event. It was a wedding that we will remember for a long time. Thanks to Liz, Sean and family for letting us come up! Have a safe and wonderful trip over to Europe!

And yes, I realize there are again a lot of photographs in this set. The crazy thing is we left out a LOT. I wanted to put around 30 more additional shots but I showed discipline and kept the numbers lower. I am really excited to deliver the remainder of these photographs.

Congrats you guys!