Amanda and Stratton :: Married :: Lucky Soda – Iowa Wedding Photographers

We just returned from Amanda and Stratton’s Iowa reception for the family and friends that couldn’t make it down to Florida for the wedding. The weather tonight is such a heavy contrast to that of Florida’s. It’s currently blizzard-ing right now. Super cold, high mph winds and lots of snow.  The reception tonight was beautiful though – and warm too. We shared all the wedding photographs and I think they were a hit. These two were a perfect couple to photograph. The combination of beautiful Florida beaches and a radiant couple made it feel like we were cheating. Both were super comfortable in front of the camera.

I know I’m quite heavy with the quantity of photographs in our posts, but I’m not going to apologize for that anymore. I love sharing what we shoot. Period. And I think couples and their families do as well. So please enjoy the photographs and please comment to let the bride and groom know how fantastic they look!

Fort Myers Beach, Florida :: Lucky Soda – Iowa Photographers

So after the Disney World experience we headed out to Fort Myers Beach for the remainder (and majority) of our week in Florida. Couldn’t be more perfect. The weather was warm and provided us pasty white folk with some much needed Vitamin sun. The kids couldn’t get enough of the beach, collecting shells and spotting wildlife. The only difficult thing about staying on the beach was the sand. It was everywhere, including our hotel room. The sheets were changed every day by the hotel but there was still sand in the bed. It is hard to complain though as you step outside your door and see the Gulf of Mexico. The week went by too quickly but we were able to capture some great moments with the kids. There is a rare ‘whole Davis family’ shot in here. Good stuff! And sorry for so many kid pics. Just love ’em a lot.

Disney World 2010 :: Lucky Soda – Iowa Photographers

This trip started as a family vacation that culminated up to a wedding we photographed on Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Goodness it was hard to come back to cold weather. As a person that does not enjoy flying I was ridiculously stressed out having all four of my children along for the ride. The flight actually went super smooth. Absolute no complaints. But I feel our littlest (Clare – 2) had quite the challenge at Disney World. She didn’t want much to do with a stroller and didn’t really care to walk anywhere. We had tantrums mixed with fits of laughter as well as little children’s “ooh’s” and “aaah’s”.  I, myself had not prepared my body for all carrying, walking, standing, waiting, mixed with more waiting and totally paid for it the next day. The kids had a blast though. We hope the kids will have fond memories and forget all about Dad’s heart palpitations and near-cardiac arrest after review of the price for food at the park. $8 for a dinky hot dog? Really?

My Trip to Los Angeles, California :: Lucky Soda – Iowa Photographers

Joey Early and I had an opportunity to spend a weekend in LA. It was incredible. We didn’t sleep. Seriously. We were out there during Halloween and met some incredible people. Met up with Bill over at Richard Photo Lab and he gave us a grand tour of Los Angeles. We ended up spending an afternoon down in a marketplace that felt like we had arrived in Mexico. Great people and some really good food. There was also a visit to Venice Beach where we ran into a commercial photographer for Converse by the name of Michael Khachadoorian. Check him out. Wicked good photography. The whole trip seriously felt like a blur.