Sarah and I had an invite from Joey and Luke to go out and do a portrait shoot for Scott Yoshimura of Canby [The Envy Corps drummer]. Scott and I grew up just down the street from each other. Great family. Nine years ago his older brother David was in our wedding party. Crazy how fast time flies. Other than being an extremely talented guy, Scott is very down to earth and has a great sense of humor. I’m happy to have been able to hang out again and I hope you enjoy the photographs.
Sarah shot every frame here. There was very little to almost no post processing on these images. Everything was naturally lit so it just felt right in the environments we were in to keep these images as organic as possible. I was too busy playing with film and shot my first color 120 roll today. We shall see how they turn out! Enjoy.
Need to know dev time on running 400 speed color film through Kodak HC-110 black and white processing? He is the king of film. I give you Luke Healey ladies and gentelmen.
This kid is ridiculous. At 21 years of age he has the mind and photographer maturity of someone that has been shooting for many many years. Constantly envious at the wealth of knowledge but also one of my insipirations on the return to film. Joey Early.
The crew in action. This was actually a little scary and exhilarating at the same time. This was the underpass by the botanical center. If you hopped up in between the lanes of I-235 you could actually stick your head out and see traffic whizzing by at 55+mph. I’m excited to see what Joey and Luke were able to capture up there.
And a rare shot of myself. Sarah took this as I was composing a shot under the interstate. Hoping these two rolls turn out at least half as nice as these shots from Sarah.