Last week was fantastic. We had two of our personal favorite photographers and good friends come out and do some family photographs of us and give a presentation to our local Des Moines photography meet up group. It was an absolute blast. The day went by so quickly. I can’t express how grateful I am that another good friend and wonderful photographer, Kevin from Sharp Capture Studios, shot all these action shots below of Sam and Evan doing their thing. These images are fantastic. My favorite is the composition of Sam’s trademark NY Yankees hat with our whole family in the background. Great job Kevin. And thank you to Joey Early and Laura Beekmann from Life Art Photographs for hanging out and holding our kids when they needed to be held. Can’t say enough how much you guys rock!
Thanks to all those that came out to hear Sam (Hassas Photography) and Evan (Evan Baines Photography) talk. I can’t emphasize enough how thankful we are that you all came out to support this event. We’ll have more in the future!
Edit: I also wanted to thank Sarah’s brother Jacob for helping us out as well. He’s leaving for boot camp with the Marines on Monday. He’s a wonderful friend and brother-in-law and I can’t say thanks enough for all the times he’s watched our kids and been the impromptu babysitter so many times. Have a safe trip sir!