Bella :: Kodak Tri-X

I can’t seem to get away from wanting to push Tri-x. When I load it in my camera I immediately want to shoot this stuff at 800 or 1600. I used to be of the mindset of wanting a flat “neutral” negative so that I can do all the post adjustments as I see fit in Lightroom/Photoshop. That isn’t the case anymore. Now that I’ve experimented with shooting this stuff at 200, 400, 800 and 1600, I can’t get away from the contrast and grain characteristics of this emulsion at higher speeds. It looks so good straight scanned @800 that minimal processing is needed.

Ryan Muirhead said it most clearly, “Everything I love about photography happens behind the camera. Everything I hate about photography happens behind the computer.” It isn’t that I completely abhor post processing, I just love shooting more. Nothing compares to envisioning a specific shot, composing through the viewfinder and then just waiting patiently for that perfect moment to fire the shutter. It’s what seems like a simple gift someone is giving me every time I’m able to photograph.

On to this evenings subject…

Isabella is our oldest daughter. We have been blessed with some very well behaved children. They have their moments, of course, but I am extremely proud of all of them. Bella is so sweet. She’s shy, quiet but still has a very strong way about her. A quick anecdote I sometimes share with people is that when Bella was a couple years younger she would take her older brother and lead him into the dark rooms in the house when he was too afraid to go in by himself. She’s a real sweetheart.

Roll of Clare :: Tri-X Strikes again!

I’m lazy. Especially when it comes to scanning negatives. The Epson V500 has “carriers” (not sure that’s the proper term) that you load your negatives in for scanning. It’s a sort of guide that allows your negatives to lay in the proper area and also gets them to sit a little flatter against the glass. Rather than individually load and scan each image I’ve been enjoying ditching the carriers and scanning strips of negs.

During this set of scans I accidentally had it set to “color” and it made the negs electric brown in color. I thought it looked interesting, but really unusable. So, I desaturated it a bit and decided to post ’em up as is. They’re super muddy and are all post scan. Photoshop was used to crop and somewhat “straighten”.

So in this set of scans I decided to shoot an entire roll of Clare. This is my youngest daughter and she is the fireball of the bunch. She troubles me. She’s only two (three in a few more days) and already talks about boys. She also loves clothes, jewelry and don’t get me started on the nail polish.

Sidenote: Totally getting credit on any band name in the future that calls themselves “Electric Brown”. Could be a wicked awesome ska band.

This is one of the frames that was properly scanned just to show that it is indeed sharp and crisp. Each frame is actually in focus with the exception of only two. I consider this a huge victory coming from fast AF (read: inaccurate) digital systems.

Developing C41 Color :: Not my proudest moment

Please keep in mind the select few images I am sharing are for the purpose of reporting a process and not for critique.

I shot quickly through a roll of Portra 400 (120) over Easter with the intent of developing it myself. I finally got the chemistry in on Friday last week and promptly mixed it all and proceeded to developed my first roll of color.

For those that are curious, this is what I ordered. It’s actually a very simple kit to use. They give you pouches of powder that, when adding 110 degree water, gives you Developer, Blix (2 part powder) and Stabilizer. And each solution can be kept in a 1 liter accordion style bottle. Mixing it wasn’t bad. The powders dissolve quickly in the hot water and for the most part made very little mess. With a house full of children I do want to give warning that this chemistry is nasty stuff. This isn’t something to use and store near children. I keep all my chemicals in our basement out of reach from the small and curious.

I enjoy black and white development. There seems to be a bit of leeway with each step of the process. An element of relaxation exists while you wait for the development time to lapse.

Color, for me, didn’t seem like this at all. First of all, the temperature has to be higher for the developer AND the blix. With the equipment I had, I needed to create a water bath for the bottles to sit in while I did each step. The Paterson tank I used was also a little leaky. This usually isn’t a big deal with B&W, but this C41 kit forces you to reuse all the chemistry and there isn’t a whole lot there to begin with. The development time is a lot shorter. Only three and a half minutes needed with frequent agitation. So during inversions(agitation), the developer or blix would leak out and get on the counter space or my arms and hands. Not good.

In the end, I accidentally threw blix into my developer and destroyed my batch of developer. My negs also turned out a little wonky in color.  Will I do this again? Absolutely. I am a glutton for punishment and look forward to nailing down this process. Look for some color 4×5’s soon! That is, after I get my new batch of chemistry…

Roll of Tri-X

Shot this roll yesterday in about 3 minutes while in a parking lot before heading to Tasty Taco’s for a delicious dining experience.

If you are curious and have the patience, I’ve attached full res (not cleaned) scans of each strip. Just click and wait for it to load. Keep in mind nothing has been cleaned of dust or “touched up”. Straight up scanned on this jalopy. The last image is a TMAX 100 4×5 negative. In order to scan negatives that large I have to scan each half and then stitch it together in photoshop. Slightly time consuming but I feel the effort is usually worth the reward.