I can’t seem to get away from wanting to push Tri-x. When I load it in my camera I immediately want to shoot this stuff at 800 or 1600. I used to be of the mindset of wanting a flat “neutral” negative so that I can do all the post adjustments as I see fit in Lightroom/Photoshop. That isn’t the case anymore. Now that I’ve experimented with shooting this stuff at 200, 400, 800 and 1600, I can’t get away from the contrast and grain characteristics of this emulsion at higher speeds. It looks so good straight scanned @800 that minimal processing is needed.
Ryan Muirhead said it most clearly, “Everything I love about photography happens behind the camera. Everything I hate about photography happens behind the computer.” It isn’t that I completely abhor post processing, I just love shooting more. Nothing compares to envisioning a specific shot, composing through the viewfinder and then just waiting patiently for that perfect moment to fire the shutter. It’s what seems like a simple gift someone is giving me every time I’m able to photograph.
On to this evenings subject…
Isabella is our oldest daughter. We have been blessed with some very well behaved children. They have their moments, of course, but I am extremely proud of all of them. Bella is so sweet. She’s shy, quiet but still has a very strong way about her. A quick anecdote I sometimes share with people is that when Bella was a couple years younger she would take her older brother and lead him into the dark rooms in the house when he was too afraid to go in by himself. She’s a real sweetheart.
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